Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

Available on Amazon.com

Kindle / Paperback / Hardcover / Audiobook

A timid act may be more bold than one would first assume,
for whispering truth is braver than to silently resume.
-Richelle E. Goodrich

A note: This book was written as a graduation gift, dedicated to the author's youngest son. Half the royalties are gifted to him for college expenses, so keep in mind that every purchase is also a donation that helps put this young man through college! 

Click below to sample monthly quotes from the book.


Copyright 2020 Richelle E. Goodrich

Monday, August 24, 2020



Bold is determined.



January 1st

The worst day is always the first day. Changing a habit or instigating something new is toughest at the start. By means of repetition, however, these new habits develop. They are strengthened in the course of familiarity. 


January 2nd

A vital part of the journey is the beginning. It is perhaps the most vital part.


January 3rd

Your choices and efforts, be they small or grand, mold and define who you are. Poor choices and minimal effort will result in the poorest version of you. Mediocre choices combined with doing just-enough-to-get-by will create a mediocre you. To be the best version of yourself, to reach your greater potential, make the very best choices possible. Put forth your highest efforts in everything. Be intentionally productive with the time you have. Work to do your best!


January 4th

If you invest nothing, the reward is worth little.


January 5th

Real change

involves real planning

and real commitment.


Real change

demands real work

and real effort.


Real change

requires real sacrifice

for real achievement.


Real change

is really hard

but really worth it.


January 6th

Friends make everything easier. If you want to succeed at a challenge, involve your friends. They have an amazing capacity to lighten physical, emotional, and mental burdens by simply being there.


January 7th

Know what your objective is. Anything that does not contribute to that objective is unnecessary; let those things go.


January 8th

Don’t quit because you are not good enough, keep going because you are not good enough yet. You don’t quit driving halfway to your destination because you are not there, you keep driving because you are not there yet.

You keep driving until you get there.

You keep trying until you are good enough. 


January 9th

Work for your dreams and then watch as, little by little, obstacles crumble to make way for success.


January 10th

Success is the result of moving forward. Concentrate on that fact, regardless of how slow or fast, how poorly or well things seem to be going. If you are moving forward, you are succeeding.


January 11th

Real, true, key success is honestly liking yourself.


January 12th

If you own the story, you can write every chapter in the book.

Own your life; write the story the way you want it to read.


January 13th

Believing in yourself is enough, but it sure is nice when another's kind words of encouragement kiss your ear. There is genuine strength in verbal expressions of support.


January 14th

Impossible and extremely difficult are as unalike as the desert and the ocean.


January 15th

Even snails make progress. Just be sure your progress is in the direction you want to go.

 Copyright 2020 Richelle E. Goodrich






— Bold risks rejection.



February 1st

I will admit you are the finest if not the loveliest rose in the garden. But you see, my dear, I was looking for a sunflower.


February 2nd

I am falling in love with you,

but I can’t say a word.

You don’t care for love.

It has bruised you, broken you, burned you.

You call it a curse. Yet, I fear I am captive of this enemy, love.

You warn of its destructive power.

Oh, but it warms me like none other! It engulfs me in caressing flames, and foolishly I crave more. I can’t bear to suffer the cold, so I let you feed the fire unwittingly.

I am falling in love with you.

I am in love with you,

and it’s getting worse.

from A Heart Made of Tissue Paper


February 3rd

Why do I love you? Because you looked into my eyes and saw me. Behind the painted beauty, the forced expressions, the practiced gestures and habitual politeness, you saw me—the pure, vulnerable core that is my true essence. Somehow, in a kind but knowing glimpse you stripped away the façade, and I will never forget the relief it was to finally be seen.


February 4th

When you first look at a woman, you are in fact blind to her beauty. The true beauty of a woman is revealed only after you get to know her.


February 5th

You are loved by God and angels. You are loved by people in this world and in the world beyond. They—we—are rooting for you, so stand up and keep working things out.


February 6th

I love the way you smile at me and squeeze my hand like you never noticed the many times I let you down.


February 7th

Always play your best cards—Love and Kindness. They trump every other card in the deck.


February 8th

God never said to love only those you deem deserving.


February 9th

“Have I told you I love you lately?”

“Yes, my dear, when you opened my door, when you touched my cheek, when you listened to my stories, and when you warmed my drink—I heard you say it in every sweet and easy gesture.”


February 10th

He was always thoughtful and affectionate toward her, and so she was a sweetheart to him.

from A Heart Made of Tissue Paper


February 11th

I don’t think of you as a typical beauty. I never once did.

To me your hair mimics asphalt more than the lustrous feathers of ravens. Comparing your eyes to heavenly lights seems a stretch when they are the common color of dirt. I can’t imagine you as a tall, pole-slender image; your God-given shape is right bulky.

But I never cared about such pointless things anyway.

What good have trivial attributes ever done the world?

When I look at you, I see you—or in other words, all of you that really matters. I see a kind heart and compassionate arms. I see a patient, gentle spirit abounding with love towards all of God’s creatures. I see the perfect blend of humility and strength of character. I see a wise intellect as well as an endearing sense of humor. I see all the qualities that make you the person I love, regardless of the bodily package you’re bound in.

So forgive me if I don’t think you’re beautiful, because I find you to be far superior to that worthless and pointless nonsense the world calls beauty.


February 12th

Physical appearance has nothing to do with the quality of a person.


February 13th

Yes, love is a superpower. It is the ultimate superpower.


February 14th

Let her know you adore her.

Do not make her heart guess.

Boldly say how you love her.

Thy devotion confess.


Let her know you admire her,

All her talents and dreams.

Boldly reach for her fingers.

Gently slip on a ring.


Let her know that you need her,

As a lover and friend.

Boldly kneel and implore her,

To be yours ’til the end.


February 15th

“You are amazing, my dear,” he said with awe.

She smiled a thank you and told him, “That is because you make me feel amazing.”

 Copyright 2020 Richelle E. Goodrich




— Bold is daring —



March 1st

While observing a breeze dance over a patch of dandelions that had gone to seed, I realized how easily delicate things succumbed to the wind. I became suddenly aware that my emotions are affected in the same way by every minor gust of sentiment.


March 2nd

I found a room, both quiet and slow,

a room where the walls are thick.

Where pixie dust is kept in jars,

and paper rockets soar to Mars,

and battles leave no lasting scars

as clocks forget to tick.


I guard this room, both small and bare,

this room in which stories live.

Where Peter Pan and Alice play,

and Sinbad sails at dawn of day,

and wolves cry “boy” to get their way

when ogres won’t forgive.


With you I’ll share my hiding place,

this room under cloak and spell.

We’ll snuggle up inside a nook,

and read a venturous story book,

that makes us question in a look

what nonsense fairies tell.

In fictive plots and fabled ends,

Our happy-e’er-afters dwell!

from A Heart Made of Tissue Paper


March 3rd

The most magical words a person can utter are “Once upon a time.”


March 4th

Don’t ever quit pretending.


March 5th

Just because it is not what you pictured doesn’t mean it is not what I described.


March 6th

Above anyone else’s approval, first and foremost be sure to get your own.


March 7th

Those sweet souls who speak kind words when they could rightly criticize are the most influential beings in all the world.


March 8th

You do realize that your looks have virtually nothing to do with what you are capable of accomplishing, right? Talents and abilities do not hinge on appearances.


March 9th

God cares about you and the talents you struggle to develop. He understands how enjoyable it is to use and enhance your talents. Yes, your growth and happiness are important to God.


March 10th

Love. Gratitude. Humility. Service.

Do these look familiar?

Combined, they are the recipe for happiness.


March 11th

Stand up.

Face the new day.

Reach a little farther.

Do what you fear you cannot do.

Be bold.


March 12th

Why do we wish on faraway stars?

Because our desires seem out of reach.

Why do we wish on four-leaf clovers?

Because our desires seem hard to find.

Why do we wish on coins tossed in founts?

Because our desires seem worth the cost.

Why do we pray our wishes to God?

Because then our desires seem possible.


March 13th

Truly being lucky is defying the very idea of luck because you never need it. 


March 14th

Irish luck, aye, that I’ve got.

A four-leaf clover—aye, that too.

I’ll tell ye, lassie, what I’ve not,

A lucky Irish kiss from you!


March 15th

When you make a wee wish

on a green four-leafed clover,

may your belly stay full

and your cup runneth over.


 Copyright 2020 Richelle E. Goodrich